Affiliate Disclaimer


Here at Office Otter we believe in honesty, transparency, and a good swim. To that note, we are disclosing the fact that we include links to third-party products and services on this website. When visitors (that’s you!) click on a link to one of these companies and make a purchase, Office Otter receives a commission at no additional cost to you.

Why do we do this?

We love what we do – providing walkthroughs, tutorials, and free templates for you to use to make your life better. But running a website cost money. In order to keep offering these services, we find ways to generate income to pay for the website and our time to create great content for you!

While not all links are affiliate links (some are just informational), it is safe to assume that any recommended product is part of an affiliate program. That being said, Office Otter only recommends products and services we have investigated and feel confident delivers value to you.

If you have any questions regarding the information above, feel free to contact us.

Thank you for your support of Office Otter! Happy swimming!